Cases of people lying about being victims of domestic violence have been reported for years. Your intimate partner may falsely accuse you of any form of this crime, leaving you to face the consequences.
This guide discusses why this may happen:
1. To get the upper hand in a child custody case
Courts usually give child custody orders in the child’s best interest. and they won’t take a domestic violence allegation lightly. If your soon-to-be ex-spouse accuses you of this offense, you may lose custodial rights. You may have to refute the allegation before the court can deem you fit for custody.
2. Manipulation
Sadly, someone can lie about domestic violence to manipulate/ emotionally abuse another party. The accuser understands their actions will result in anxiety, self-doubt, frustration and sadness in the other person. And these results can be rewarding to them.
3. Immigration status
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) allows victims of domestic violence and other criminal activities to qualify for the U nonimmigrant status (U visa) to help with investigations. This visa is valid for four years, and it can be extended.
If your partner is a non-citizen, they may accuse you of domestic violence to be eligible for this immigration status.
4. Revenge
Your intimate partner may falsely accuse you of domestic violence because they want to hurt you. For instance, you may have ended the relationship when they wanted you to stay together. So, they will lie about being abused to see you in pain.
5. Attention seeking
People with attention-seeking behavior can lie about anything, including being victims of domestic violence, provided it gives them sympathy.
If you have been falsely accused of domestic violence, consider legal guidance to defend yourself.